Read the Fine Print

by Chuck Adair on January 06, 2023

Read the Fine Print

Read Deuteronomy 28:1-14
Today’s Truth

God's call to Israel was the same as our call today -- complete obedience. The call, on our own,
is impossible. The solution is a Savior.

Discussion Questions
  1. Is there an area of your life in which you feel you are being shortchanged or not receiving
    what you desire? Closely analyze your behavior, attitude, and motives to determine how God
    might use the circumstance to grow your faith.

  2. Scripture frequently speaks of the negative consequences of disobedience. Alternatively, we
    are also told that faithfulness can coincide with suffering, often to bring glory to God. If your life
    feels upside down in some respects, is there any persistent sin that needs to be addressed? If you
    are being faithful, have you seen how God is using the experience to bring glory to Him? How
    can you grow in faithfulness? 

  3. Have you recently read any Bible passages that seemed dry? If so, reread them and look for
    how the passage points to our need for a Savior and the coming of the Messiah.

Tags: deuteronomy


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