The Attitude of the Heart Matters

by Chuck Adair on March 21, 2023

The Attitude of the Heart Matters

Read Isaiah 22:12-13
Today’s Truth

Isaiah rebukes the people for their attitude and response when faced with a crisis that required a response of repentance. Instead of reacting with humility and remorse, the people responded with merriment, entertainment, and self-indulgence. Their attitude was the same of the people during the time of Noah and the great flood, “Eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow we die.”

Discussion Questions
  1. For what have you repented of recently? Why is repentance so important?
  2. When in your life have you been unrepentant when you should have been repentant? How did God get your attention?
  3. We have to live in a way where we do not take on the characteristics of the world. In what areas of your life have you tried to live out the gospel and still hold on to parts of the world?
Life Application

We take our stand at the cross and consent to be nailed to it, voluntarily, actually; to submit to the pain whereby the flesh dies; the hands are pierced that carnal work may no longer be done in the energy of the flesh; the feet are pierced that no longer we may walk according to the flesh; the brow is pierced with the thorn crown that our head may not any longer be held up for human diadems and fading laurel wreaths; the side is pierced that the heart may relinquish its fleshly energy and preference, and be occupied with God.

Tags: isaiah, prophets


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