A Generous Heart

by Chuck Adair on August 15, 2024

A Generous Heart 

Read Exodus 35:5
Today’s Truth

This is a great phrase to describe giving to God and to the accomplishment of his purposes. So, they’re needing money, tools, resources, gold, silver, and bronze for the construction of the tabernacle. And so, God says whoever is of a generous heart, let him bring gold, silver, and bronze.

Don’t you want to be described before God as one who has a generous heart?

Discussion Questions
  • When it comes to your giving to the Lord would you describe yourself as generous or stingy? Explain your answer.
  • Jesus says where your treasure is that’s where your heart is? What is it that is valuable to you?
  • What would it look like for you to be generous before the Lord? Are you willing to look at your giving? Explain.

None of us wants others to say of us before the Lord, “He has a stingy heart.: She has a hoarding heart. She or he keeps for themselves more than they need.” No, we want to be generous people who are sacrificially giving above and beyond what we can give so that God’s purposes might be accomplished in the world.

Tags: exodus


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