A Gospel for All Nations

by Chuck Adair on April 30, 2024

A Gospel for All Nations 

Read Genesis 10:32
Today’s Truth

This verse comes at the end of a long chapter known as the generations of Noah or the table of nations. And when you hear nations there, don’t think countries, like 200 or so countries in the United Nations today. The gospel is for all people in all nations among all ethnicities.

Discussion Questions
  • Why is it important that the gospel is for all people?
  • Are you focused on the world or just those with whom you spend your time? Explain your answer.
  • How are you praying that the gospel will reach all people?

So, when we read Genesis 10:32, we’re seeing a picture that’s going to carry throughout the Old Testament and into the New Testament, where we see different people groups, and God loves every single one of them. God desires salvation by grace through faith in Jesus, to be made known, and enjoyed, and celebrated among all of them. God deserves glory from every single people group. We have been commanded then as his church to make disciples among every single people group. Not just among a lot of people in the world. Not even just among as many people as possible. We have been specifically commanded to make disciples of all the people groups among every single people group in the world.

Tags: genesis


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