Better Days are Coming

by Chuck Adair on December 08, 2023

Better Days are Coming

Read Amos 9:11
Today’s Truth

Some people face adversity and simply become bitter. Others look at the obstacles in front of them and decide to get better. The book of Amos foretold a time of disaster for the people of God and the surrounding nations. But in the last few verses, God makes a promise: Disaster is NOT the end of the story. Restoration is! David’s shelter was a place where God would make His presence known. Similarly, God wants us to experience His loving presence even now. Even when times are hard, God promises to meet us in our brokenness with His restoring presence. Better days are coming!

Discussion Question
  1. How is God rebuilding your life in spite of your brokenness?
  2. What does God’s grace mean to you?
  3. What will you do to spread the news of this rebuilder of our broken lives?
Life Application

I just want to encourage you in your life today, as you look at any brokenness in you or around you, as you look at situations that cause you to think, “Can God ever repair this, can God ever rebuild this? Can the Lord ever redeem this?” I just want to encourage you that the God we worship, the God we’re about to pray to is the redeemer. He’s the rebuilder. He’s the repairer.

Tags: amos


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