Exercising Justice

by Chuck Adair on October 11, 2023

Exercising Justice

Read Ezekiel 45:9
Today’s Truth

This is God making very clear to the leaders among his people that they have a responsibility to put away violence and oppression and to do, to execute justice and righteousness, to treat people in a way that reflects the justice of God and the righteousness of God, to do that which is just and right and good for all people, according to the word of God, as a reflection of the character of God, and this is obviously not an isolated command in the Bible all throughout the Old Testament and New Testament.

Discussion Question
  1. How can you help those that are vulnerable and poor? Why is it important that you do that?
  2. Many of you have suffered being marginalized and forgotten. How does it make you feel to know that God sees you and is for you?
  3. How do you live your life in such a way that you bless and not harm those who are less fortunate than you?
Life Application

How can you do justice and righteousness today? How can you work against violence or oppression today? God, give us eyes to see as you see, to see the vulnerable, the poor, the needy, the oppressed right around us, and to live so that our lives reflect your justice and righteousness and goodness to them.

Tags: ezekiel


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