Fulfill Your Promises-Deuteronomy 23
Read Deuteronomy 23:23
Today’s Truth
Moses brings up a good point about vows or promises. He tells the people that no matter what they promised God, they must do it. They were not forced to make the promise, so there is no one else to blame for the promise.
Promises to God are easily made. This can be very true when a person is going through an extremely difficult time. Many people have been known during an accident or a major sickness to say to God, “if you get me out of this situation I will serve you…(fill in the blank)”. The end of that statement is often serving in full-time ministry, going to church, being a missionary, giving more money to the church, or some other sacrificial serving of God.
The sad part is that God, often, brings the person through the situation and the person forgets about the promise. They try to say that they made it while stressed and wasn’t thinking correctly. They excuse it away.
Discussion Questions
- What are things you have promised to God?
- Have you ever failed to keep a promise you made to God? Explain.
- Why are our words so important? Do you see them as important?
If you make a promise and do not fulfill it, you are guilty of a sin. It is better to not make a promise, then to make one and not do it. This is true with promises to God as well as with promises to people.