Go to God with the Good and the Bad

by Chuck Adair on June 19, 2023

Go to God with the Good and the Bad 

Read Jeremiah 21:1-2
Today’s Truth

Your phone rings. It’s a friend you haven’t heard from in months. Usually, you’re excited to talk to her, but not this time. You remember when you talked to each other frequently because you were close friends, but now it seems like the only reason she calls anymore is when she wants something from you or when times get tough.Whether it’s a friend, family member, or a son or daughter, it’s saddening. Then we realize: What if that’s what God feels like when we treat Him this way?

Discussion Questions
  1. Are you more likely to talk with God in the good times or bad times? Why?
  2. What’s one area of your life where you have been doing things your way rather than submitting to God’s ways?
  3. What’s one next step you can take to give this area of your life to God?
Life Application

God wants to hear from us on the good days and the bad days. He doesn’t want to be our “get out of jail free” card; He wants a relationship with us. Because of Jesus, we can go to God with our joys and our struggles. And when we listen to Him and do what He says, we’re always better off than if we try things our own way.

Tags: isaiah, prophets


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