God Alone is Holy

by Chuck Adair on October 05, 2023

God Alone is Holy

Read Ezekiel 41:4
Today’s Truth

We know the picture throughout the Old Testament, that only the high priest could go into the Most Holy Place at a certain time. He would go in with little bells around his legs, his feet, so that if those bells stopped moving, they would know he had been struck down in the presence of God. They had a rope that they could pull him out by his feet if that were to happen. The fear and awe and trembling and trepidation that marked the Most Holy Place in the temple.

Discussion Question
  1. In the Old Testament, God was before his people either in a pillar of cloud, fire, or with the Ark of the Covenant. Now God through his Spirit lives in believers. How do you know that God’s Spirit lives in you?
  2. Our bodies are the temple of God. Why is it important to treat your temple well? Are you treating it well?
  3. We deserve condemnation. God gives us grace and mercy. How has God shown his grace and mercy to you?
Life Application

To read this in the Old Testament and then to contemplate how Jesus died on a cross, and when He did, the curtain of the temple was torn in two and the way was made open for any one of us, no matter who we are, what we’ve done, that we can enter into the Most Holy Place. By the blood of Jesus, through faith in Jesus, His sacrifice for our sins, we’ve been welcomed into the Most Holy Place, and not just welcomed into. Keep going in the New Testament, the new covenant, this term of relationship with God, and the Bible teaches that our bodies are the what? The temple of the Holy Spirit that God comes to dwell in us.

Tags: ezekiel


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