God is Our Protector
Read Zechariah 2:5
Today’s Truth
This is God talking about how he’s going to bless his people in Jerusalem. The verse right before this says, “Jerusalem shall be inhabited as villages without walls because of the multitude of people and livestock in it.” Just a picture of God’s blessing. And then in verse 5, God says, “I will be to her,” to Jerusalem, to my people in Jerusalem, “a wall of fire all around, and I will be the glory in her midst,” God says. What a picture of God saying to his people, “I am your protector. I am your provider. I am watching out for you. I’m setting a wall of fire around you, and my glory will be among you.”
Discussion Question
- How has God been your protector?
- How has God shown his care for you?
- What has God done to show his love for you?
Life Application
Obviously, there was direct application of this word to God’s people in Zechariah 2 at the same time, as we’ve talked about. These are promises that we see for all of God’s people in the New Testament, under the new covenant under Jesus, His glory dwelling in us, our bodies a temple of the Holy Spirit. And He has promised as our father, as our king, as our savior, as our deliverer, to be our protector.