God, Why Haven’t You Stopped This?

by Chuck Adair on January 29, 2024

God, Why Haven’t You Stopped This? 

Read Habakkuk 2:2-3
Today’s Truth

There seems to be a lot of injustice in this world and little action from God. Habakkuk felt the same way. His world was out of control and the people around him were full of evil. He begged God for justice, and even accused Him of being silent. But God’s response was simple, “Wait for it; it will certainly come and it will not delay” (Habakkuk 2:3). 

Discussion Question-Read Chapter 2
  1. When was the last time you felt like God was slow to act? How did it make you feel?
  1. How does what you read today affect the way you pray for your community, your leaders, or the world?
  2. What’s one way knowing Jesus has changed you? Who can you share that story with this week?
Life Application

God is full of grace and fully just all the time. He will bring an end to evil, but not without giving those perpetuating evil a chance to repent. And His plan to change the world is through the local church.  

Tags: habakkuk


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