God’s Care for Each of His Children

by Chuck Adair on August 20, 2024

God’s Care for Each of His Children 

Read Exodus 38:25-26
Today’s Truth

 Exodus 38:25–26 Reminds Us God Cares for Every Person. And these verses are pointing to, so amidst the massive God’s people who he’s brought out of Egypt, every single person matters, every single person down to… It doesn’t just say around 600,000 men. It says 603,550 men, and if somebody’s birthday happened that week, then the next week, it would have said 603,551 men. Every single person counted, and I just want to encourage you with that picture from the Old Testament.

Discussion Questions
  • What are modern day examples that God cares for every person?
  • How does God show you that he cares for you?
  • What does it mean to you that God loves you?

Your life matters. Your life counts. And you are loved by God. He knows you. He doesn’t just know millions of people. But He loves you. And He knows what you were walking through. I think about just people I’ve been walking through this week with difficult things in their lives, just horribly challenging days in their lives, and I’m just saying to them, “God is with you. He loves you. He’s walking right beside you in this. He’s there to give you, specifically you, every single thing you need.” 

Tags: exodus


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