God’s Promise Among His People
Read Ezekiel 48:35
Today’s Truth
That’s a great name for a city, the Lord is there, a place where God’s presence dwells. You think about this prophecy in Ezekiel chapter 48, this promise that God is going to manifest his presence among his people. And then you think about the promise that the Bible holds out to us, really from cover to cover.
Discussion Question
- What is your belief about heaven?
- How does it make you feel to know that God named the city where we will all live, the Lord is there? Why is that important?
- Have you trusted Christ for your redemption? Why or why not?
Life Application
From the beginning, Genesis one and two, we see God’s perfect presence with Adam and Eve, and that relationship marred by sin just three chapters into the Bible. And God promising that one day, man and woman through Jesus, who’s promised in Genesis 3:15, one day, sinful men and women will be redeemed and reconciled to God to enjoy his presence perfectly. So we turn to the end of the Bible, and we see Revelation 21-22. . And how do they describe heaven? As the place where God dwells with us, and we dwell with God. He wipes away every tear from our eyes. And the old is gone, and the new has come.