How Valuable are You?

by Chuck Adair on October 15, 2024

How Valuable are You?

Read Numbers 10:29-32
Today’s Truth

God has put people in our lives who help show us our unique value. Whether it be a coach, a family member, a mentor, a friend or a boss- we have people in our lives who encourage us by pinpointing our strengths and helping us fine-tune our weaknesses.

Discussion Questions
  • Who in your life has helped you to see your value? Show them your appreciation through a text or note this week.
  • How can you encourage one person this week to see their value?

Moses and Hobab's relationship demonstrates how important it can be to point out value in the people around us. Genuine compliments build relationships and help people to see they are gifted and valued. When we are quick to show someone their value, we can help give them the courage and confidence to use their gifts.

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