Humility, Fear, and Obedience

by Chuck Adair on July 20, 2023

Humility, Fear, and Obedience

Read Jeremiah 44:10
Today’s Truth

We pray for humility before God, a fear of Him, and a hatred of sin that will lead to obedience of all His commands.

Discussion Question
  1. Do you fear God in the way that the scripture means for us to fear God? Explain your answer.
  2. Define humility. In what ways do you struggle with humility?
  3. How does fear of the Lord and humility lead to a life of obedience?
Life Application

There is a pervasive pride in us that just continues to insist that our way is better than God’s way. This is what we need to be saved from in the first place and we need to be saved from it every day

Tags: jeremiah, prophets


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