Judges 7-Sustained by God
Read Judges 7:2
Today’s Truth
What a great verse. God telling Gideon, “I’m going to make sure that when you lead my people into the land to take the Midianites, it will be clear. It is not because their own hand, your own hand has saved you. It will be clear that it is my hand,” God says, “who has saved you.” God orchestrates our lives so that his glory is put on display so that none of us can say, “I did this.” Ultimately, so that all of us can say, “God alone did this.”
Discussion Questions
- How did God reassure Gideon before the battle (Judges 7:9-15)?
- Why do you think God reduced Gideon’s army? What does this teach us about God’s power in weakness?
- In what areas of your life do you need God’s reassurance before stepping out in faith?
We are not self-sufficient people, and we cannot sustain ourselves. Who is it that gives you the breath to wake up in the morning in the first place? And who is it that gives you the strength to walk, much less workout? Who is it that gives you the skill to practice hour after hour after hour with? All of that comes from the hand of God.”
There is nothing good in us apart from God’s grace to us. And when we realize that we realize one, we are living testimonies of his grace and we have grace to celebrate every single day. No matter how hard times get, God’s grace is all over our lives, and all of it is all ultimately for his glory.