Judges 8-Success Given by God
Judges 8:27
Today’s Truth
Do you see the danger here? The warning here for every single one of our lives. So just to remember the context, Gideon has by God’s grace been used at this point to bring deliverance to God’s people from the Midianites and God has given him success. And yet here in Judges 8:27 Gideon does something that goes against the word of God. He made an ephod and put it in his city in a way that led Israel into idolatry.
Discussion Questions
- How did Gideon handle the request to create an ephod (Judges 8:24-27), and what was the result of his decision?
- Are there areas of your life where you might be allowing pride or self-glory to take over? How can you surrender these to God?
- Are there any idols or material symbols in your life that might distract you from worshiping God alone, as Gideon’s ephod did?
Don’t miss the danger and the warning here of how success can just like that so quickly lead to sin. How even being used by God to do something or experiencing God’s grace in a powerful way, we and our sinful nature can just like that, turn around and do that which goes totally against God’s word and lead other people into sin.
God help us to guard our hearts always, always, all day long. Today, all day long tomorrow, in every situation and every circumstance. God, we pray you’d help us to guard our hearts against sin and that you would keep us from leading others into sin.