Judges 9-Evil Will Not Have the Final Word

by Chuck Adair on March 12, 2025

Judges 9-Evil Will Not Have the Final Word

Read Judges 9:56-57
Today’s Truth

What a story of evil as you look at the context here in Judges 9:56-57 in both Abimelek and the men of Shechem. But the reason I read these two verses, and I want to lead us to pray according to them is because both in the end receive justice from God for their evil actions. In this battle of evil justice is ultimately served. In this we see the perfect justice of God in ways that we don’t always see in the moment. This is all over scripture. There are times it seems like injustice is prevailing. There are times when it seems like evil is prevailing, advancing, even prospering. Yet God in His word reminds us over and over and over again, He is just, and His justice will be served. Evil will not have the last word.

Discussion Questions
  • What lessons can we learn from the tragic end of Abimelech’s life and leadership?
  • In what ways have you seen God’s justice unfold in situations where wrongdoers are held accountable? How does this story remind you that God will make things right in the end?
  • Have you ever seen someone manipulate or deceive others for their own gain, like Abimelech did? How should we respond to situations of injustice or abuse of power?

God will triumph over evil. This is both humbling and encouraging. It’s humbling because in our own sinful hearts we are evil. We have sinned against God. If justice was the only part of our story before God, then we would all be in hell right now. We don’t want our evil to have the last word, and we praise God for His design in our salvation that in no way compromises or limits or negates His justice. God is just. Romans 3 says in one of the greatest paragraphs in all the Bible, verse 21 through 26. He is just and the one who justifies those who have faith in Jesus.

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