Leviticus 15:13-14

by Chuck Adair on September 13, 2024

Read Leviticus 15:13-14
Today’s Truth

 All through this book you find that God's cleansing agents are always water and blood. The blood, of course, speaks of the death of Jesus on our behalf, which frees God to love us without any restraint whatsoever. But the water, again, represents the Word. It cleanses our conscience. You can say, yes, God has forgiven me. But what many people do is to go on and not forgive themselves. They don't allow their conscience to be cleansed. But when we read in the Word of God that he has washed away our sins and has forgiven us all unrighteousness — if we believe that Word then our own conscience is clear, and we are cleansed by the Word. Therefore, there is no reason for me to be beating myself on the back about this sin any longer. God has cleansed me. I am not dirty nor defiled any longer. I am clean. That is the effect of the water. 

Discussion Questions
  • How does the blood of Jesus free you to love God with no restraint?
  • Do you feel God has cleansed your conscience? Explain.
  • How do you feel freed by God’s work in your life?

Pray this prayer... Father, I do need the cleansing of your Word, the purifying of your blood. Thank you that it is available to me. I pray that I will be honest about these matters and will not let them go unattended. Help me to keep short accounts with you and to let your Holy Spirit cleanse away all the defilement of my life.

Tags: leviticus


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