Looking Forward in Faith

by Chuck Adair on June 25, 2024

Looking Forward in Faith

Read Genesis 50:24-25
Today’s Truth

By this point, as we’ve read in Genesis, the people of Israel, people of Jacob had multiplied greatly in Egypt and Joseph could have said, “Hey, you’re going to stay here and multiply greatly.” Instead, though, Joseph knew God had promised to bring his people back to the land of Canaan, the promised land. As he lies there on his death bed, he is looking forward in faith to what God has promised. Specifically, to a future land that God has promised. Can I say that one more time? Just let it soak in. As Joseph lies there on his deathbed, he looks forward in faith to a future land that God has promised.

Discussion Questions
  • In what ways are you looking forward in your faith, with your eyes fixed on Jesus?
  • In this picture, we see how every single one of us who has trusted in Jesus is called to die. When we face death, to look forward with faith to the future land that God has promised to us. How does your faith bring you comfort as you think about the future?
  • As Joseph lies there on his deathbed, he looks forward in faith to a future land that God has promised. How do you look forward to the future in faith?

Right after Joseph said those words in Genesis 50, he died. So why would his last words be carry up my bones from here? Why is that so significant? We know it’s significant because Hebrews 11 looks back to this moment and says, by faith, Joseph at the end of his life made mention of the Exodus of the Israelites and gave directions concerning his bones. Oh, don’t miss the picture here. Why? Joseph’s instructions about his bones demonstrated Joseph’s faith in God.

Tags: genesis


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