Our Need for God
Read Exodus 16:4
Today’s Truth
The people of God are already forgetting the goodness of God. I mean, He’s just delivered them out of slavery. He just brought them through an entire body of water. Like it wasn’t even wet ground, it was dry ground. He led them through, brought that water down on the Egyptians so they could not overtake them, and yet two chapters after this happened, one chapter after they praised God for that, they are complaining before God saying, “Would that we had died by the hand of Lord in the land of Egypt.”
Discussion Questions
- How has God provided for you in the hard days of your life?
- Describe the ways in which God has shown himself faithful?
- Do you trust Jesus with every aspect of your life? Why or why not?
God says here in verse four, “Behold, I’m about to rain bread from heaven for you. I’m going to provide for you. I’m going to provide for my people.” This is a promise God gives to His people over and over and over again in the Bible to all who trust in Him. That’s the picture as you read the end of this verse, and the people should go out and gather a day’s portion every day that I may test them whether they will walk in my law or not.