Remembering the Past, Preparing for the Future-Deuteronomy 16-17
Read Deuteronomy 16:1-2
Today’s Truth
Deuteronomy 16 describes three feasts: the Passover, the Feast of Weeks, and the Feast of Booths (or Tabernacles). These feasts were designed to mark significant moments in Israel’s journey. They functioned like modern celebrations to mark anniversaries and birthdays.
Passover was a way to remember the night God passed over Israel’s houses in the plague of the firstborn. That night was the breaking point that led Pharoah to let God’s people go.
The Feast of Weeks was a time to remember God giving Israel the law seven weeks into their journey and to thank Him for the blessing of the harvest. The Feast of Booths commemorated the time Israel spent wandering in the wilderness and how the Lord dwelled with His people there.
Discussion Questions
- Much of Deuteronomy is Moses reminding Israel what God has done for them and what He has asked from them. How do you remember the ways God has come through for you?
- If Jesus came back today, would you be excited to see Him? Why or why not?
Every detail, from the timing to what they ate, was a way to worship God and to remember what He had done for them. As we think of the Lord’s supper, each detail is in place to cause us to remember and worship what God has done in Christ. How do you feel about God’s intentionality in all of this?