Set Apart as Holy
Read Ezekiel 42:20
Today’s Truth
There is separation between the holy and the common. That which is set apart for God and that which is not, that which is consecrated as holy, and that which is not. The holy and the common. When I read that phrase, I think about my life, your life in this world. We have been consecrated to God, all who trust in Jesus set apart as holy, and yet we are surrounded by so much in a world that is not, that would be labeled common.
Discussion Question
- What does it mean to you to live a holy life?
- How are you to live in the world but not be of the world?
- Don’t sacrifice the holy for the common. How have you done that in your own life?
Life Application
Isn’t this the call of God in our lives today to be holy amidst the common, to not be transformed, to not be conformed to the pattern of this world around us, but to be transformed by the renewing of our minds. To live different, to live separate. That doesn’t mean we withdraw from the world. Obviously, that’s not what Jesus has called us to do. Go and make disciples of the nations. Go into the world and share my love with the world and show the world what it means to have eternal life in me.