Strange Fire

by Chuck Adair on September 06, 2024

Strange Fire

Read Leviticus 10:1-2
Today’s Truth

The very same Shekinah which had consumed the sacrifice now flashes out again to destroy these two priests. What a shock this must have been to Aaron, to his remaining two sons, and to the whole camp of Israel.

What do you think your reaction would have been if you had been part of this scene? Many of us reading stories like this have come up with the idea that God, especially the God of the Old Testament, is a God of vengeful judgment. But God is acting here just as much as a God of love as he is in any other part of the Bible. His nature is love. And he never deviates from what he has revealed himself to be. So this action must be in line with his nature and character of love.

Discussion Questions
  • What does the punishment of Nadab and Abihu tell us about the seriousness of God's commands?
  • Why was Aaron silent after the death of his sons?
  • How does the need to distinguish between the holy and the common apply to our lives today?

Are we carelessly offering a pretense of worship to God? How can we offer Him worship that honors and delights Him? What circumstances best produce the sweet fragrance of burning frankincense?


Tags: leviticus


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