The Eternal Beauty of God

by Chuck Adair on October 09, 2023

The Eternal Beauty of God

Read Ezekiel 43:1-2
Today’s Truth

I love that imagery. Just picture it. Ezekiel sees the glory of God coming, and he says, “It’s like the sound of many waters.” Just hear the roar of waters and “the earth shown,” Ezekiel says, “with His glory.”

Discussion Question
  1. How has sin impacted your life personally? List two or three examples.
  2. What is it in God’s creation that makes you see his glory?
  3. What do you think it will be like to see Jesus face to face?
Life Application

Don’t you want to see that? Don’t you want to see God in all of His glory, all of His beauty perfectly, with no more sin and no more evil and no more sorrow and no more injustice and no more suffering, just the goodness of the glory of God shining throughout the earth?

Tags: ezekiel


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