The One Person Who Never Breaks a Promise

by Chuck Adair on July 24, 2024

The One Person Who Never Breaks a Promise

Read Exodus 19:8
Today’s Truth

Have you ever made promises that you later failed to keep? Maybe you were desperate to complete a project, repay a debt, lose weight, or get out of trouble.

The Israelites made an agreement with God at Mount Sinai, but like us, they often struggled to keep it. The Bible records repeated accounts of Israel’s disobedience. Fortunately, God always keeps His promises. Despite the Israelites unfaithfulness, God continued to provide, protect, and love them unconditionally.

Discussion Questions
  • Consider an occasion when someone failed to keep their part of an agreement with you. How did it make you feel?
  • The image of a heart or cupid communicates love in almost any language. What image(s) might you use to communicate commitment?
  • What’s one step you can take this week to strengthen your commitment to following Jesus?

Knowing our shortcomings, God established a new covenant with us through the birth, life, death, and resurrection of His Son, Jesus. Even though we may wander far from God, He continues to love us above all things and patiently calls us back to Him. Jesus is gracious and merciful, extending compassion and forgiveness that we do not deserve.

Tags: exodus


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