The Perfect Sacrifice

by Chuck Adair on August 19, 2024

The Perfect Sacrifice

Read Exodus 37:9
Today’s Truth

 Exodus 37:9 is a verse describing the construction of the Ark. And how this part of the tabernacle, where God’s presence would dwell among his people. And there’s so much we could talk about here in the construction of the Ark. As well as the way specifically the Ark of the Covenant was in the inner most part of the tabernacle, in a place that only the high priest could come once a year. And he would come to make atonement, to offer sacrifices for the people’s sin at this mercy seat. Which is why, so now I want to read from the New Testament because Hebrews 9 talks specifically about the Ark of the covenant. It talks about what we just read, the cherubim of glory. 

Discussion Questions
  • Explain why you believe that Jesus is our perfect sacrifice.
  • So, whenever we read about the Ark and the tabernacle in the Old Testament, we need to see what God was doing there, and we also need to see what was being foreshadowed there and ultimately what is fulfilled in Jesus. What does that mean to you?
  • What does it mean to you to have hope in Christ?

Exodus 37:9 reminds us that that Jesus is our sacrifice. It reminds us of the blood of Christ. This verse reminds us to praise God and rejoice in our eternal redemption. Pray this prayer...

Jesus, we praise you. You’re the center of the Bible, you’re the center of all history and you’re the center of our lives. God, we praise you for sending your son to shed his blood so that we could enter into your presence right now, and experience communion with you. So that we can pour out our hearts before you. So, we can pray to you for all kinds of things in our lives. And so that we might know that we have eternal life with you no matter what happens to us in this world.

Tags: exodus


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