The Plagues Begin

by Chuck Adair on June 21, 2022

The Plagues Begin

Read Exodus 7:14-25
Today’s Truth

Our actions have consequences not only for us, but for those close to us that we love and serve.

Discussion Questions
  1. As the "Pharaoh" of your empire, how are you leading those with whom God has entrusted you? If you've made bad decisions, how have you corrected those? Does anyone around you know?
  2. What is the definition of "servant leader"? Do you have anyone in your life right now who is leading in this manner?
  3. If you turned on your water and found blood coming out the tap, would you go dig by the river banks to try to find some clean water, or would you look to the source of the "blood water" and see if you could identify and correct the problem? How could you do this? 

Tags: exodus


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