The Plumb Line

by Chuck Adair on December 06, 2023

The Plumb Line 

Read Amos 7:7
Today’s Truth

While demonstrating that He was a God of mercy, He also needed Israel to understand that some things could not be negotiated. He had eternal standards that always were true. He showed this principle by using the plumb line. This was a cord with a weight that was used to keep a wall perfectly perpendicular.

Discussion Question
  1. In your words, describe the holiness of God?
  2. What does the “plumb line” illustration mean to you and I today?
  3. God’s character does not change? What does that truth require of us?
Life Application

Today, God still is a God of mercy, compassion, and love. He is ready to forgive your sins, if you confess them to Him. But also remember that He is holy. He cannot compromise His principles and standards. Make sure you line up your life with His Word. This is His plumb line in your life. Stay faithful to His Word. It always is true.

Tags: amos


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