What Grace is Not

by Chuck Adair on October 22, 2024

What Grace is Not

Read Numbers 15:27-31
Today’s Truth

Have you ever compared yourself to someone else on social media? Gotten frustrated with a family member and responded harshly? Maybe you accidentally spent too much, or ate too much and only realized it later on. 

We sin every day, whether we are aware of it or not. While we can identify sins that we intentionally commit, such as stealing or gossiping, what we do involuntarily is harder to recognize.

Discussion Questions
  • Do you tend to be more focused on following rules or on following Jesus? What is the difference?
  • While sin is serious, it is also paid for. What’s one way you can walk in that freedom today?

Grace is not permission to sin, but an opportunity to move past sin. The weight of our sin didn’t change, the carrier did. We do not bear the weight because Jesus bore it for us. That is a precious, precious gift.

Grace is something we did not deserve, yet we get to walk in the freedom it gives us. The gift of grace is not an excuse to live how we want, and it’s more than a get-out-of-hell-free card. Grace is an invitation to turn away from sin and toward Jesus.

Let His sacrifice be what pushes us toward obedience and worship, knowing that in Jesus, we have the ability to do more and go farther than we ever thought possible.  

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