What Happens When Everyone Gives as God Says?
Read Exodus 36:5
Today’s Truth
How many times have you written your tithe check or thrown the contents of your wallet into the offering plate and thought, “Good luck with that, God?” Often, we discouragingly give our tithes because it seems measly in comparison to what doctors, lawyers, and other wealthy givers contribute.
The Israelites were busy constructing the inside of the tabernacle, the place where God’s people could go to worship and meet with Him. Moses had previously asked everyone to give whatever they could to contribute to this massive undertaking. After all, they were building the place where God Himself would live among them. How could they possibly gather enough to reach the ambitious goal set before them?
Discussion Questions
- Do you find it difficult to be generous? If so, why?
- What is one thing that could be accomplished if everyone in the church was generous?
- What is one way you could contribute to the work God is doing around you?
The next time we’re tempted to wonder how our seemingly small offering could contribute to God’s work, remember the tabernacle. With the hands and offerings of ordinary, generous people, the place God lived was built.