What Not to Fix Together

by Chuck Adair on September 19, 2024

What Not to Fix Together

Read Leviticus 19:19
Today’s Truth

How many of you are observing that last law? Almost all garments today are made of mixed stuff, of blends of natural and synthetic fibers. A literal adherence to this stricture is no longer of any significance, because it is dealing with substances which never were inherently wrong. Whenever God employs things symbolically and says that something connected with them is wrong, they are no longer tended to be taken literally but are meant to illustrate attitudes of mind and heart which are dangerous. The Israelites had to obey these literally, because that is how they learned what these attitudes were. But we need to understand that God is teaching in a graphic way here that there are certain unmixable principles which are unalterably opposed to one another and that we are not to try to put the two together.

As an example, a believer in Christ should not marry an unbeliever, the New Testament says. To do so is to mix two ways of life which are categorically separated, and this only creates confusion and hardship and pressure and problems. Therefore, it is very important that a believer not marry an unbeliever. This is an application of the teaching of this kind of truth in our present life. 

Discussion Questions
  • Why is holiness highlighted as a fundamental quality for the Israelites?
  • How do these laws discourage dishonesty and promote integrity?
  • How does the command to "fear your God" tie into the overall theme of holiness in this passage?

God clearly loves purity and holiness, and has taught its importance both symbolically and practically in His Word. How is God's character revealed or confirmed in honoring these truths?

Tags: leviticus


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