Where are you God?

by Chuck Adair on January 25, 2024

Where are you God?

Read Habakkuk 1:2
Today’s Truth

Habakkuk provides us one of the most remarkable sections in all of Scripture, as it contains an extended dialogue between Habakkuk and God. The prophet initiated this conversation based on his distress about God’s “inaction” in the world. He wanted to see God do something more, particularly in the area of justice for evildoers. The book of Habakkuk pictures a frustrated prophet, much like Jonah, though Habakkuk channeled his frustration into prayers and eventually praise to God, rather than trying to run from the Lord as Jonah did. 

Discussion Question-Read Chapter 1
  1. How would you describe Habakkuk’s attitude in this chapter?
  2. Is Habakkuk being prideful to talk to God like this? Should he remain quiet rather than testing God? Why or why not?
  3. When you have doubts or confusion about your experiences or things you witness, how should you deal with it before God?
Life Application

When devastating and confusing circumstances cause us to question God, we can be assured He cares, has a plan, and is working it all together for the good of those who love Him. We may not understand because we only see part of the story, but God sees the big picture and has a plan greater than anything we could imagine.

Tags: habakkuk


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