Teen Place

A place for middle school and high school students to belong and share faith with one another.

"Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you." James 4:8

Being a teen is a crazy time! There are forces that drive us differently as teenagers, great and powerful pulls in many directions. Whichever direction you're being pulled, know that we are here to partner with you during this epic journey of your youth and young adulthood. If you're looking for a place to worship or you're looking for some answers or even if you don't know what you're looking for, come check us out.  We are here to serve.

Our Mission

Know God

Come know more about God, the bible, and how we can live our faith out at our Teen Gatherings.  Join us for Leadership Training in Christ after church on Sundays, Wednesday nights at 7pm for games and bible study, and fellowship events! Come as you are..imperfect, struggling, with questions or doubts, but no matter what LOVED!

Teen Events

Grow in Faith

Continue your growth at home!  Resources are available to help you continue growing in your faith from journaling, bible study apps, books, and more.  RightNow Media has excellent teen video resources, as well as parent resources, for FREE...contact me for the login invite to RightNow Media.  Find out more information at the link below:

RightNow Media

Go Serve and Share Jesus

We share Jesus by living out our faith.  We don't have to have the bible memorized to share Jesus.  All we need is kindness, a loving heart, and hands willing to serve others.  We encourage teens to serve in worship services, our Kids Place ministry, and other areas at the church and community.  Fill out the GO form below on where you would like to serve.

Teen GO Form



Teen & Kids Medical Release Form


All students need to have this form filled out to go on any overnight events with our Teen Ministry.  The form is valid for one year. ...