A Life Centered in Christ
Read Galatians 4:4-7
Today’s Truth
The book of Galatians challenges its readers, including you and me, to live a life that is rooted solely in faith in Jesus Christ. A life in which other forms of “living right” are given up in favor of one great approach: trusting in Jesus and the gift of the Holy Spirit. Indeed, the reality of a life apart from grace and faith is compared to living like a child with a guardian – limited. The inheritance may, in theory, be yours, but you can’t get to it. It’s a grey, constrained, world.
But now, bursting forth in glorious color, is one of the most amazing consequences of faith in Jesus Christ. We aren’t simply forgiven – after all, Jesus’ death on the cross could have changed us from unforgiven slaves to forgiven slaves. No! Jesus was sent so that, by faith in him, we might become the chosen children of heavenly Dad.
The passage is really very bold here – we were constrained and unable to actually live right but now we are God’s children. And not just his children, but his adopted children.
This word adoption is one of the most profound points in this passage: knowing exactly who we were, and exactly who we are today, God chooses to adopt us. In other terms, you weren’t just a no-option meal plonked in front of God. No! God had an option, and he willingly chose to adopt you. Yes – you. He looked at the whole of humanity and chose you, to welcome home as a child. Not a forgiven slave, a wanted, chosen, delighted in, loved child.
Discussion Questions
- Consider the significance that, as a Christian, you haven’t ‘just’ been forgiven by Jesus’ death on the cross, amazing as that is. You are a chosen, child of the living God. How does this impact your gratitude to God?
- How might this transform how you worship, and how you love others this Christmas?
Thank you that when I chose to trust Jesus for forgiveness you chose to adopt me as your child. Help me to know more how deeply loved I am and help me to live in that reality and the security that it brings. Give me the courage and awareness to love everyone I meet as someone who you value as a child, even if they haven’t turned to you yet, just as Jesus did in coming to earth.