A Quest for Truth

by Chuck Adair on December 29, 2023

A Quest for Truth 

Read Luke 17:26-27
Today’s Truth

We have many nominal Christians, inside and outside the church, whose understanding of Christianity is mixed with all kinds of mysticism and New Age thinking—a synthesis of mutually contradictory teachings. But even though they may be seeking spiritual truth where the truth cannot be found, I believe God works in those with a spiritual hunger.

Discussion Question
  1. Are you a seeker of truth? Explain your answer and give examples.
  2. Where have you looked to in your past to find the answers to the hard things of life? Where are you looking now? What are you finding?
  3. In five sentences or less, explain the gospel of Christ to someone who is an unbeliever.
Life Application

We must be able to communicate the Gospel to the spiritually hungry, no matter what kind of spirituality they’re into. People wander winding paths of spirituality because they’re looking for the truth. They’re looking for Christ, but they may not know that yet. The wise men were looking for some kind of king, but they certainly didn’t understand the true nature and mission of the Christ child. Until we understand seekers, we won’t be very effective in building bridges between them and Christ.

Tags: christmas, advent


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