Cleansed From Sin

by Chuck Adair on October 04, 2023

Cleansed From Sin

Read Ezekiel 40:1
Today’s Truth

There are times when we see God’s hand upon someone in judgment. But actually, most of the time that we see this phrase, we see God’s hand upon someone in a special way, blessing them, leading them, guiding them, speaking to them like we see here in Ezekiel. And judgment is oftentimes a picture of God taking his hand off of someone, basically giving someone over to themselves or giving an entire group of people or nation over to themselves. 

Discussion Question
  1. What does it mean to have the Spirit of God in you?
  2. What does it mean to you that “God’s hand is on or off someone?”
  3. Do you want God’s hand on you? Why or why not?
Life Application

To every follower of Jesus, what did he say? You’ll receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you. Do you realize this? You have the Holy Spirit upon you, in you, the Holy Spirit of God.

Tags: ezekiel


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