Covenants Matter

by Chuck Adair on March 05, 2024

Covenants Matter 

Read Malachi 2:15
Today’s Truth

Malachi uses the language of entering into a covenant as he talks about marriage. When we marry, we enter into a covenant with the person we marry and with God. Our ultimate loyalty is to God and honoring God in how we treat our spouse. God makes us one as husband and wife. Each of us belongs to each other, and we belong to God: "in body and spirit you are his," Malachi reminds us. For godliness to come from our union, each person in this covenant commits to living to show love and give honor to the other.

Discussion Questions
  1. What does it mean to be in a covenant relationship?
  2. Why is a covenant especially important in marriage?
  3. We must guard our hearts. We must guard our hearts in a sex-crazed and sexually distorted and sexually-destructive world. How are you guarding your heart and minds in a sexually destructive world?
Life Application

In a world of throwaway commitments, God reminds us that our commitment isn't just with another person; it is also a covenant with Him. There are no throwaway commitments for God because there are no throwaway people!

Tags: malachi


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