From Nothing to Something

by Chuck Adair on April 17, 2024

From Nothing to Something

Read Genesis 1:1
Today’s Truth

The word ‘created’ here means ‘to form out of nothing’. God didn’t create the heavens and the earth from scratch – He created the ‘scratch’ too! (So, to speak…) He took a bunch of nothing, a handful or zilch, a truckload of zero, and made the universe and everything in it.

Discussion Questions
  1. God created something from something. How does that make you feel about God?
  2. How does God create beauty out of our lives that are broken and sin-filled?
  3. How has God changed your brokenness and use it for his glory?

The Bible is full of stories of people who have absolutely nothing to offer God, but when they surrender themselves to God, He uses them in great and powerful ways. So next time you feel useless, worthless, like a big fat zero – great! You’re just the kind of person God’s looking for. Give yourself to Him and let Him turn your nothing into something.

Tags: genesis


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