Great Success Often Starts with Failure

by Chuck Adair on July 08, 2024

Great Success Often Starts with Failure

Read Exodus 7:8-10
Today’s Truth

“If at first you don’t succeed, try, try, try again!”

That old saying was written by T. H. Palmer, someone who had surely failed. Too often, we define ourselves by our failures. We look back at the dreams we had and feel empty and unsuccessful if they didn’t become reality.

We are not alone with our failures. Almost every hero in the Bible failed God in some way. What makes the men and women in the Bible heroic is that they humbled themselves, kept trusting God, and kept persevering in the faith, despite their mistakes.

Moses was a reluctant hero, telling God he couldn't possibly lead Israel out of slavery. At the time, Moses was 80 years old and Aaron was 83! But once Moses began the task the Lord set before him, he kept trying despite Pharaoh’s refusal to listen.

Discussion Questions
  • Looking back, has there been a time where a failure turned into a success because you tried again? How has this refined your definition of success?
  • Is there something the Lord is asking you to do that you feel you cannot finish with success?
  • What next step do you need to take to trust the Lord and follow His command?

The lesson of success is not to concentrate on what we failed to do, but to concentrate on the one who is giving the instructions. Even though Moses failed to turn Pharaoh’s heart many times, Moses returned to Pharaoh again and again. Moses trusted God and continued to do what God was leading him to do. 

It’s never too late to trust the Lord. And it’s never too late to try again.

Tags: exodus


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