Help is on the Way

by Chuck Adair on July 01, 2024

Help is on the Way

Read Exodus 3:7
Today’s Truth:

As parents, it doesn’t matter what’s going on around us, when we hear our child’s cry for help, we go running. Sometimes, all that’s needed is a hug and a kiss. Other times, it’s a listening ear or a trip to the doctor. No matter what kind of help our children need, there is a strong desire to ease the pain, emotional or physical.

God feels the same way about us. In Exodus 3, the Israelites had been slaves in Egypt for over 400 years and were crying out for help. God heard their cries, saw their suffering and wanted to rescue them. God appeared to Moses in a burning bush and commanded him to go rescue the Israelites from slavery. Moses, an Israelite raised by the Pharaoh’s daughter, had fled Egypt after killing an Egyptian soldier. He probably never imagined God would use him as part of the rescue mission for the nation of Israel 

Discussion Questions
  • What’s causing you suffering right now?
  • Take time to talk to God about it today. Be honest with God and tell Him your pain.
  • The same way that what kids want isn’t always what they need, what we want from God isn’t always what we need. What’s one way you’ve seen God say no to what you want and instead give you what you need?

We may not be slaves, but each of us suffers in some way, whether it’s the loss of a loved one, a strained marriage, a rebellious child, or financial hardship. God sees our sufferings, hears our cries for help and wants to rescue us, just like He did with the Israelites. God’s rescue mission may not look the way we imagine or come as soon as we’d like, but the Lord’s plan is always best.

Tags: exodus


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