How to Follow a Leader You Do Not Agree With

by Chuck Adair on October 23, 2024

How to Follow a Leader You Do Not Agree With

Read Numbers 16:1-3
Today’s Truth

Why should I listen to him? Who put him in charge? I should be in charge. He’s messing everything up. I would be much better at his job, anyway.

Have you ever felt like that? Maybe you were passed over for a promotion. Maybe you disagree with your parents’ or teachers’ rules. Perhaps you are disappointed with your government officials.

When people don’t do things the way you would, why should you respect them?

We aren’t the first ones to struggle with envy or resent authority. After wandering the desert under Moses and Aaron’s leadership, Korah, Dathan, Abiram, and On got together and opposed them.

Discussion Questions
  • Is there one authority in your life that you do not like to obey? Why?
  • If you have a legitimate concern, what is one step you can take today to handle it in a God-honoring way?

God has established the authority figures in our lives. When we rebel against them, we are really rebelling against Him. That’s why it’s so important to examine our feelings, and if we find just cause for concern, handle it in a God-honoring way.

Tags: numbers


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