Lion of Judah

by Chuck Adair on December 26, 2023

Lion of Judah 

Read Genesis 49:9-10
Today’s Truth

For some of us the Christmas story has become too familiar—we gloss over Whom we are honoring. We need once again for our eyes to be opened to see Jesus and His glory in fresh ways so we can experience Christmas anew in our hearts.

Discussion Question
  1. Why is it important that Jesus is the Lion of Judah?
  2. Lamb of God, and Lion of Judah? How do you identify with Jesus the most?
  3. In the second Advent, Jesus returns again as conquering King. Are you ready for his return? Explain.
Life Application

Lion of Judah, great I AM,
Yet Son of God and gentle Lamb.
You came to Joseph, shepherd, king,
To those who needed songs to sing.
So hurting women, broken men,
Could find new life, be born again.
Because of Him, the gentle lamb,
Lion of Judah, great I AM!

Tags: christmas, advent


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