Look to God

by Chuck Adair on March 12, 2024

Look to God 

Read Malachi 7:7
Today’s Truth

What a cry of hope in the middle of despair. These words encapsulate the challenge that we all experience in waiting. As I read this verse and meditate on it and even say what I’m about to say, I’m speaking to myself as much as anybody else amidst a variety of things I’m waiting on during these days, waiting on asking God to do what he’s not done yet.

Discussion Questions
  1. How have you looked to the Lord in hard times?
  2. What do you do to focus on God and not your circumstances?
  3. How have you had to wait in the God of your salvation?
Life Application

“As for me, I will look to the Lord,” when you are in the middle of despair, when you are in the middle of challenges, of trials, look to the Lord. If we’re not careful, we can get so focused on the challenges and the trials before us that we lose sight of the God who is sovereign over those challenges and sovereign over those trials, who is omnipotent, all-powerful, and all-wise.

Tags: malachi


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