The Name of God Among the Nations

by Chuck Adair on March 04, 2024

The Name of God Among the Nations 

Read Malachi 1:11
Today’s Truth

This verse comes after a blistering indictment of God’s people for the way they had approached Him in worship. Basically, they had minimized His greatness that offered polluted sacrifices less than, far less than what God had required of them. And it was a picture of them basically trying to fulfill their religious duties without reverence for God and all of God and obedience to God’s Word and what He had prescribed for their worship. 

Discussion Questions
  1. What does reverence mean to you? Why do we need it as we approach God?
  2. Are we living today in fear of God, with reverence for God, with awe of God? 
  3. One day we will all know that God is the only one worthy of our praise. What are you praising God for today?
Life Application

May our hearts be flooded, overwhelmed with awe in your presence together as your church. Then God that we would live this way as your people all day long, every day. That we would walk in the fear of you, that we would work in the fear of you, that we would offer our bodies as living sacrifices, holy and acceptable to you today, knowing that your name is great, that you are worthy of our lives. You are worthy of all of our adoration and all of our affection and all of our devotion. You are worthy of everything we have.

Tags: malachi


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