The Truth About Sex

by Chuck Adair on September 18, 2024

The Truth About Sex

Read Leviticus 18:8
Today’s Truth

Next to the preservation of life the most powerful human drive is sex. Sex, as we are beginning to understand these days, is like a great river which, when it flows quietly between its banks, is a boon and a blessing to us. But when it is raging in full flood, inundating the landscape in permissiveness and promiscuity, it is terribly destructive and hurtful. God's Word is careful to regulate us and help us in this area. It is amazing that God takes the risk of letting us have this fantastic power in our lives. He doesn't take sex away from us if we misuse it. He takes that risk with us, with a plea to us that we learn to keep it within its banks.

Discussion Questions
  • How can these commandments be seen as a protective measure for the community?
  • How do these strict moral laws apply in the context of contemporary society, particularly in regard to sexual conduct?
  • How does the command to not follow the practices of Egypt and Canaan impact the Israelites' identity as God's chosen people?

The Bible is our Creator's handbook for His creation, with instructions specific to our full enjoyment of life. Are we heeding His wisdom, seeking His guidance and honoring His Presence in all aspects of our lives?

Tags: leviticus


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