Walking with God

by Chuck Adair on March 11, 2024

Walking with God

Read Malachi 6:8
Today’s Truth

Micah is known for his very practical teaching in chapter 6. Micah taught in a culture characterized by idolatry, immorality, and outright rebellion against the worship of God. You could say that the culture of that time is very similar to our culture today, worldwide. Micah boldly proclaimed that certain things are “required” of those who follow the path of the Lord.

Discussion Questions
  1. What does the Lord require of us?
  2. What does it mean to seek justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with your God?
  3. How can you apply Micah 6:8 to your life?
Life Application
To walk humbly with God is to give Him what He requires of both you and me. God requires us to be just, love mercy, and show kindness to everyone that we meet. We should be both moral and ethical in all our dealings with others.

Tags: malachi


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