What Do You Need to Say Yes to Today?

by Chuck Adair on October 21, 2024

What Do You Need to Say Yes to Today?

Read Numbers 14:6-10
Today’s Truth

Saying “yes” to one thing is saying “no” to something else. Saying “yes” to the challenging, but exciting job promotion is saying “no” to the fear of failure. Saying “yes” to the scary move could be saying “no” to staying stuck in a rut. The same is true for us when we say “yes” to God- we are saying “no” to other voices that shout for our attention.

God chose the nation of Israel as His people and made Himself known to them. More than anyone who came before them, Israel knew God. They saw Him perform miracles, they heard from Him through the prophets and witnessed His intervention in their lives.

Discussion Questions
  • When was the last time you said “yes” to God?
  • What’s one thing you can do today to be more focused on His promises and less on fearful circumstances?
  • How do you overcome your fear to say “yes” to God?

Fear had such a hold on them, they even wished they were back in Egypt. We can judge the Israelites for not trusting God, but often we behave the same way. How often do we doubt God’s ability to take care of the big things in our lives?

God wanted the best for His people. The same is true for us. We can give in to fear or peer pressure and not move forward when God tells us to. Or we can follow God’s plan no matter how crazy it seems.

No matter how big the crowd is that disagrees with God, we can trust God to deliver what’s best for us when we say “yes” to Him.  

Tags: numbers


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