What It Means to Wait in Expectation
Read Habakkuk 2:1
Today’s Truth
We are quick to ask God for answers, but do we put ourselves in a position to receive them? We live in a fast-paced, instant gratification driven world where a slow answer often means no answer. If we don’t receive immediate answers, we jump to the next solution or try to figure things out on our own.
Discussion Question-Read Chapter 2
- Is there a prayer you have given up on because you haven’t seen an answer?
- Habakkuk compares his waiting stance to that of a watchman in a watchtower. How would you describe your attitude to waiting on God?
- What is one way you can better position yourself to hear from God today?
Life Application
God hears every prayer and answers them how He sees fit. Not how we see fit. Sometimes we have to wait for direction, but waiting is not the same as doing nothing. To wait with expectation is to continue seeking God believing He hears us and has something to say.
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