What to Remember When You Think You Don’t Have Time to Rest

by Chuck Adair on April 18, 2024

What to Remember When You Think You Don’t Have Time to Rest

Read Genesis 2:1-3
Today’s Truth

Sabbath is a time to imitate God in rest. He made a time every week for us to take a break and get filled back up. God knows we don't have an endless supply of energy and resources, so He made a way for us to recharge. We’re created in God's image, and that means we get to fellowship with Him in doing things like He does. Work is a part of that fellowship, and so is rest.

Discussion Questions
  1. How can you plan this week to make sure you rest one day?
  2. What is a common argument you use to talk yourself out of resting? What do you need to remind yourself of when you make that excuse?
  3. What is one thing you need to start doing, or stop doing, to make room for a weekly Sabbath in your life?

We can resist the temptation to ignore the Sabbath by trusting God to do what only He can do. We can rest well knowing we worked hard for six days, God created the Sabbath for our benefit, and He will take care of all of our needs.

Tags: genesis


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